Collage Cities 2013 - 2018
Collage Cities map the multiple and mobile territories of contemporary socio-political diversity in which we live. They are a mash-up of overlapping architectural structures and spaces coexisting in an interconnected system of global urbanism.
My travels are documented through the images I collect and combine in my paintings. Each place I visit (Berlin, Madrid, Santiago, Fez, Constantinople etc.) is merged into the larger picture, intensifying its complexity. The collage cities I develop mirror a fractured contemporary experience.
Working from snapshots taken on my expeditions through urban residential neighbourhoods, I crop and collage them together in new arrangements that better reflect the networks of global exchange. For Istanbul/Constantinople I developed a larger project that would record the historic buildings torn down and replaced by new development. Fifty canvases of varying sizes are assembled edge to edge like a large collage. Over 60 feet in length, this work ‘rebuilds’ a city out of paintings. The homogenization of place, the destruction of sites and their inherent histories and cultures, the replacement by ubiquitous construction, is an increasing global capitalist practice.